The Light In The Night Series
The Light In The Night Series is about how we all have light within us, and when we come together in trying times, we shine brighter, which causes others to come to the light. Each piece in the series portrays individuals or communities facing various challenges yet emanating a radiant glow from within. The paintings aim to convey the idea that every person possesses a unique light, symbolizing their strength and hope. As the figures depicted in the work come together, their individual lights merge. This collective glow not only illuminates their own path but also attracts others to join them. The Light In The Night Series emphasizes the importance of community, empathy, and support during difficult times. It explores the idea that when people unite, their combined light becomes a powerful force capable of guiding others toward positivity, growth, and healing. The works remind viewers that even in the darkest of nights, the light within can guide them toward a better tomorrow.